Paraisopolis, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- number of dwellings per type
Alley: R$10.000
Boco: R$40.000 - R$60.000
Service area (laundry room etc.)
Garage or car park
- year of construction
Paraisopolis is an illegal settlement of which the construction started in the 80’s and has grown a lot in the 25 years that followed, at the moment Paraisopolis is still growing and people are expending their houses or building new ones. Houses are often rebuild to increase comfort or to expand, so it is difficult to state construction year per type. The determination per dwelling is easier, but does not give an insurance for the quality of the building (a not always correct but rather often made link in the Netherlands, age versus quality decline).
- lot size (m2)
Paraisopolis is divided in equal sized lots of 10m x 50m. Within these lots smaller pieces of 30 square meters are used as construction area per dwelling. The floors of a dwelling have therefore a surface area of 30m2.
- size of dwelling per type
With this given fact of 30m2 per floor of a dwelling, the total size will come to about 90 square meters as most of the building have three building floors. What often happens is that someone lives on the ground floor and rents out the first and the second floor to pay for his own expenses. This could also be a reason for the large amount of expansions of buildings are made in the area. The fact that buildings have a lot of the same sizes indicates that the size is not that big a factor in the price difference.